Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wall-E Anniversary

Sunday marks our second wedding anniversary. It seriously feels longer (in a good way). Kara's parents came by early on Saturday to pickup Ashton so that we could have a couple of days to ourselves. We kicked it off by going to a movie matinee at the Gateway. We both had been wanting to see Wall-E forever.

The next showing was at 4:20. We left the house at 4:00, got the Gateway at about 4:10 and spent about 30 minutes trying to find an open parking spot in the underground parking. We ended up 40 feet underground on the very last level. Apparently everyone had the same idea--get out of the hellish weather and go to a movie.

Wall-E was fantastic and had a couple of light underlying political messages that I happen to agree with. Messaging or not, it was still a killer movie and totally worth the price of admission.

1 comment:

Kara said...

at least one of those projects are done :)