I'm back on the hunt for my birth parents. I came across my background summary paper the other day and didn't realize the wealth of information that was in it. Take a peek...
Dated December 16, 1977
The young lady who gave birth to Jason was born on April 7, 1956. She was 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighed 125 pounds, had medium brown hair and blue eyes. Her national background was Dutch and German and her religious background was Reformed. She was a high school graduate and was employed in the assembly line of a local factory up until the time of her delivery.
This young lady had known the alleged father of Jason for about three years. She met him through friends in her home town. Since her pregnancy, the relationship became somewhat more sporadic. She and this young man did consider marriage at one time, bus she then realized he was not ready to settle down and therefore could be a good father to the baby. She did receive quite a bit of support from him during the pregnancy. However, during her pregnancy she was able to see him in a more realistic light and realize the faults he did have. She then was no longer interested in continuing the relationship.
This young lady continued to live at home throughout her entire pregnancy. She was from a small close knit family, and received a great deal of support from her parents during this time. She considered keeping her child for a short time because of some family pressure, but then realized the she really wanted the child to have more than she was able to give him as a single parent. She also saw her work at the factory as being a temporary thing, and hoped to further her education or find a better job sometime in the future. She was a very mature, likable 19 year old who could easily make a good future for herself.
Her parents were both life time residents of her rural home town area. Her father was 45 years old, had an eighth grade education, and had been a farmer all his life. Her mother was 40 years old, had completed two years of college, and was a housewife. This young lady's mother was herself an adopted child. The young lady also had three younger sisters and younger brother. Their ages were 18, 16, 10 and 5. Her oldest sister was also a factory worker and the three youngest were all in school. The entire family attended the Reformed Church.
The alleged father of Jason was born on March 30, 1955. He was 6 feet 1 inch tall, weighed 175 pounds, has straight reddish-blond hair, and blue eyes. He was 20 years old, and also of Dutch and German background. Although he was not attending any church at the time of this pregnancy, he was also raised in a Reformed home. This young man has a ninth grade education and was employed at a packing plant in his home town area. Together he and the young lady decided that giving up the baby for adoption would be the best thing possible for all concerned. Although he did not offer the young lady financial assistance, he was fairly supportive of her and cooperative in the release.
The young man's father was 47 years old and was employed as a street commissioner. His parents were divorced and the young man lived with his mother. She was 49 years old, had a twelfth grade education, and was employed at a factory. He had three sisters and one brother, all younger than himself. One of his sisters was married and a housewife. Another sister was also employed at a factory, and the other two siblings were both students.
As to significant health history, on the maternal side, the young lady's grandmother had diabetes. There were no other significant health problems. On the paternal side, the young man was somewhat hard of hearing and also had a brother who had problems with anemia.
Jason Brian was born on November 28, 1975 in Iowa. At birth he weighted 7 pounds 9 ounces and measured 19 inches in length. His physical exam at the time of discharge from the hospital was entirely normal. He had medium complexion, lots of dark hair, and blue eyes. He was placed in one of our agency licensed foster homes on December 2, 1975 where he continued to grow and develop normally. On January 8, 1976, Jason was transported to Grand Rapids and placed in an agency licensed foster home where after a slow adjustment period, he continued to grow and develop normally. He was examined by one of our agency pediatricians on January 16, 1976. At that time he weighted 10 pounds 14 ounces and measured 21 1/2 inches in length. Jason was placed with his parents February 19, 1976
Deanna Eppinga